Re: :first-line

Sigurd wrote on Sunday, February 23, 2003 at 9:50:23 PM:

> Note that p::first-line is inside the span element, this means that
> properties set on the p::first-line overrides properties set on the
> span.

This is opposite of the text in CSS2:

  <P><P:first-line><SPAN class="test"> This is a somewhat long HTML
  paragraph that will </SPAN></P:first-line><SPAN class="test"> be
  broken into several lines.</SPAN> The first line will be identified
  by a fictional tag sequence. The other lines will be treated as
  ordinary lines in the paragraph.</P>

Compare with the text from CSS3 Selectors:

  <p><span class="test"><p::first-line> This is a
  somewhat</p::first-line></span><p::first-line> long HTML paragraph
  that</p::first-line> will be broken into several lines. The first
  line will be identified by a fictional tag sequence. The other lines
  will be treated as ordinary lines in the paragraph.</p>

Following CSS2's example, I would expect CSS3 to say something like

  <p><p::first-line><span class="test">This is a somewhat</span> long
  HTML paragraph that</p::first-line> will be broken into several
  lines. The first line will be identified by a fictional tag
  sequence. The other lines will be treated as ordinary lines in the

I can't fault the browsers since they seem to be following CSS2. Is
there a reason for the change, or was it a simple mistake? Does the
order in a *fictional* tag sequence even matter?


Received on Sunday, 23 February 2003 00:10:29 UTC