

On the :first-line element, from the spec

If a pseudo-element breaks up a real element, the desired effect can be
described by closing and then re-opening the fictional tag sequence. Thus,
if we mark up the previous paragraph with a span element:
<p><span class="test"> This is a somewhat</span> long HTML
paragraph that will be broken into several
lines. The first line will be identified
by a fictional tag sequence. The other lines
will be treated as ordinary lines in the

the user agent could generate the appropriate start and end tags for the
fictional tag sequence for ::first-line.
<p><span class="test"><p::first-line> This is a
long HTML paragraph that</p::first-line> will be broken into
several lines. The first line will be identified
by a fictional tag sequence. The other lines
will be treated as ordinary lines in the

Note that p::first-line is inside the span element, this means that
properties set on the p::first-line overrides properties set on the span.
This is NOT what is happening in IE6, Opera7 and Netscape7.

What happens there is more like this:

<p><p::first-line><span class="test"> This is a
somewhat</span> long HTML paragraph that</p::first-line> will be broken into
several lines. The first line will be identified
by a fictional tag sequence. The other lines
will be treated as ordinary lines in the

Is this something that the UA's are doing wrong, or is the spec misleading,
or am I missing something else?

(note: this is not a question about authoring stylesheets, it's about
interpreting the spec correctly)


Sigurd Lerstad

Received on Saturday, 22 February 2003 21:47:04 UTC