Re: css as xml?

> I'm wondering why they haven't started it yet...

There is previous discussion on this topic; see the archives.

> It seems that everything will be XML in the future.

I hope you're wrong about this -- XML is not nearly as easy to read for a human
as CSS is (largely because it is a lot more verbose; this verbosity has other
disadvantages too).  Yes, I know; in the future all CSS will be written by
programs just like all HTML is now.  For that matter, all text documents of any
type will also be written by programs, for programs.

> I don't really know what all goes into creating a W3C spec.

The really hard part seems to be coming up with useful and consistent behavior
for whatever it is you're specifying (I say "seems" because this is the area in
which specs seem to fall down most often).

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Received on Monday, 17 February 2003 18:48:11 UTC