Re: CSS 2.1 WD and non-CSS presentational hints

"L. David Baron" wrote:
> Regarding the definition of presentational hints, it was pointed out at
> the recent working group meeting that CSS1 has a much clearer definition
> than CSS2 does:  it refers to "other stylistic HTML attributes" and
> "stylistic attributes" [1].  So I think it is clear that the intent was
> to describe attributes but not elements.

CSS1 also limits presentational hints to HTML, which I don't think
is something CSS2 should propagate.

I strongly recommend using Stuart Ballard's definition [1]. As he says,
it covers "all the usual suspects", which an attribute-based definition
would not do, and it also avoids creating a discrepency between <center>
and <div align=center>.

[1] Ballard, Stuart. "Re: CSS 2.1 WD and non-CSS presentational hints", (2002-08-28).
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Received on Thursday, 5 September 2002 17:58:29 UTC