- From: Etan Wexler <ewexler@stickdog.com>
- Date: 05 Sep 2002 14:44:44-0700
- To: www-style@w3.org
Ian HicksonÊwrote to <www-style@w3.org> on 31 August 2002 in "Re: CSS2.1 Various Inline-related Stuff" (<mid:Pine.LNX.4.21.0208312018350.2213-100000@dhalsim.dreamhost.com>): > I intend to add text to the CSS3 Generated > Content module (when I write it next month), which defines :before and > :after on replaced elements as coming before and after the elements > themselves, rather than their contents. Will this definition affect inheritance into the generated content? > On replaced elements that are > floats, absolutely positioned elements and a particular subset of table > display types, they won't exist at all. Do you intend "replaced elements that are absolutely positioned"? Do you intend "all absolutely positioned elements"? -- Etan Wexler <mailto:ewexler@stickdog.com>
Received on Thursday, 5 September 2002 17:31:41 UTC