Still some way to go

Hello www-style,

    "2 columns (28x19 cm), 38-45 lines in an angular late Romanesque
    book script, headings in red, 1-line initials for tables in
    alternating red, blue and green, 2-line decorated initials with
    marginal extensions throughout in red blue or green with
    decoration in blue or red, 2 very large decorated initials in
    elaborate plantstem and leafy designs in red infilled with wash in
    red, green, blue and yellow-brown, 6 very large decorated initials
    in arabesque designs in divided blue, red or green, or red and
    blue, with elaborate infill in the other colours including

    Nice example of making block-level and list-item elements inline;
    the 'every-third-initial' selector might need some work though.
    Drop caps a problem as ever, and optical alignment also. The first
    three numbers in the numbered list are block, and set into the
    margin with right alignment, the rest are inline.


Received on Monday, 28 October 2002 09:50:27 UTC