Re: alternate style sheets

cheeaun01 wrote:

>I wonder if anyone has propose a method
>to specify alternate stylesheets *externally*
>in CSS3? I mean instead of using:
>   <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css"
>   href="style.css" title="another css"
>   media="screen" />
>why not use like the @import method
>   @alternate url("style.css") screen;
>I suppose this ease up the job to add/edit/remove
>alternate style sheets in a web site.
>Just my piece of thought.

This would cause some problems (not only that it would not be compatible 
with older browsers):
- in the document:

   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />

- in style.css:

   @import url("menu.css");
   some style

- in menu.css:

   @alternate url("menu2.css");
   some style

How should the browser interpret this? There is an alternate stylesheet for an imported stylesheet, which would probably change only a part of the visual presentation. Imagine a case, when you have several alternate stylesheets for the stylesheet directly linked to the document, which @import some other stylesheets and those have several @alternate stylesheets. This is obviously too complicated, while the current way of defining alternate stylesheets guarantees, that there are only alternate stylesheets for the whole document.

Michal Marek

Received on Monday, 14 October 2002 06:23:33 UTC