- From: Eric A. Meyer <eric@meyerweb.com>
- Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 19:23:43 -0400
- To: www-style@w3.org
At 15:58 -0700 5/30/02, kynn@idyllmtn.com wrote: >I'm told that there's no way that X11 support will be removed, because >it already exists in SVG, and somehow criticizing those color choices >is a slap in the face to SVG people and will break all sorts of SVG >implementations. The powerful SVG has spoken, and all of W3C must >listen -- or else you'll be insulted. Well, last I checked, SVG was an XML language, and so far as I know Thou (And I) Shalt Not Question The Necessity Of XML And Its Brethren. Ever. On Pain Of Excommunication, etc. So your reasoning might not be too far off. >None of this, you'll notice, addresses whether or not CSS3 should >contain references to the X11 colors. I believe it shouldn't. Feel >free to make personal attacks on me! Um, I'll pass, but I think most large cities have working dominatrix who'd be happy to perform the same service for a small consideration. For the record, I'm perfectly happy to see the X11 colors go into CSS3, and almost as happy to see them NOT go in. I know I've used them before-- sometimes by accident, as when I used 'orange' as a test color in the CSS1 Test Suite and it was almost a year before anyone noticed the "error"-- but if they didn't make into the specification, I have confidence that most browsers will continue to support them anyway, because they've been too widely used for too long to be ignored by implementors. Regardless, it would be nice if someone could ask Tim (or whoever) to just make an executive decision so that we could all stop getting so rabidly snarky over a really, really minor side issue and move on to discussing much more important things, like whether or not NASCAR is better than Formula One racing, which Teletubbie is most annoying, and who describes the largest volumetric area when they indulge in "dick waving." Remember, flexibility is as important as mass! -- Eric A. Meyer (eric@meyerweb.com) http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/ Author, "Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide" and "CSS 2.0 Programmer's Reference" http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/books/
Received on Thursday, 30 May 2002 19:24:32 UTC