Class Selectors Extension Proposals

Does CSS support the following class descriptors functionality?

1) Adding classes
    Let be
        .a { p1; }
        .b { p2; }
    How do I get ".c {.a + .b}"  or "<span class=a+b>"
    Where class c combines a & b classes properties, ie equivalent to ".c { p1; p2; }"

2) Parametrized classes
    How do I get something like:
        .c(X,Y) { width:X; color:Y; }
    To be refered in HTML later as:
        <span class="c(50%,red)">
    Where class c becomes equivalent to ".c { width:50%; color:red;)"

I know it sounds crazy.. but It will help me a lot for my current project to know if there any CSS current support or plan to extend its functionality for something like this

And in case there is no support, How do I have to send this proposal to the W3C Team for a review

Alberto Pacheco

Received on Thursday, 16 May 2002 07:07:57 UTC