Re: CSS and Page Layouts

Steve Hurley <> wrote:

> Is there anyway to keep the middle next to the left no matter what?

This is off-topic for www-style, which is for discussion of the CSS standard
itself. For authoring issues please try Usenet or one of the many web design
fora around. (eg.,; for CSS-specific issues there
is .)

You have set the IE5 width of the left element to 50%, but positioned the right
element at 140px across, so it is not surprising it doesn't match. Try this
basic layout if what you want is a fixed-size left element with the right element
taking up the rest of the space:

  #left { position: absolute; width: 150px; }
  #right { margin-left: 150px; }

Andrew Clover

Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2002 10:52:54 UTC