Re: Behavior of nested Links, pseudos and style

At 12:03 2002-01-31 +0200, Manos Batsis wrote:
>Consider the following fragments of an xhtml document:
><style type="text/css">
><a href="outer_link">
>   outer link,
>   <a href="inner_link">
>     inner link
>   </a>
>In both Mozilla5 (Gecko/20011120) and IE6, during mouseover events on
>the outer link, only the non inner link changes style.
>Is this according to spec?

The specs say that links are not allowed within links...
But from what I can see, yes, (aside from the html) it is correct behavior.

The inner link has the same declaration as the first, meaning that it's not 
inherited from the outer link.

// Liorean

Received on Thursday, 31 January 2002 10:59:25 UTC