Re: css layout should be symmetrical

Jesse McCarthy wrote:
 > On Sun, 07 Apr 2002 17:06:28 +0100, Ian Hickson wrote:
 >> History? Nobody is changing history.
 > The CSS 2 [and any other such] Recommendation is essentially a historical
 > document, as evidenced by the separate errata and established procedures for
 > revision.

Right. And that document has not been "rewriten ... to conform to [the working 
group's] revisionist version of history" as you alledge. That is why I take 
offense at your statement.

 >> Nothing in CSS affects the semantics of anything in any document. CSS is
 >> purely a formatting language.
 > I know what semantics means.

I like to make sure all terms are well defined before starting such a
discussion. I've been involved in too many discussions where after three hours
of intense debate it transpires that the key words being used are interpreted
differently by each party.

 > What you say contradicts the Recommendation.  So there are several
 > possibilities:
 > 1) The Rec. contains an error (says something that no one really meant). --
 > If this is the case then the error must be corrected/documented and the
 > actual situation clearly exposed.

This is exactly the case. The error *has* been corrected and documented. It is 
on the (normative) errata document. I even quoted the errata tiem in this forum, 
so the situation has been clearly exposed.

Ian Hickson
``The inability of a user agent to implement part of this specification due to
the limitations of a particular device (e.g., non interactive user agents will
probably not implement dynamic pseudo-classes because they make no sense
without interactivity) does not imply non-conformance.'' -- Selectors, Sec13

Received on Sunday, 7 April 2002 15:38:29 UTC