Re: Color prototypes

> Bjoern Hoehrmann <> schrieb/wrote:
> >   @color brand rgb(22, 176, 64);
> >   h1 { color: color(brand);
> >        text-underline: single-accounting color(brand) }
> Hm, you can already do something like that by using a pre- 
> processor.

Every time someone suggests colour "prototypes" the working group, or others on 
this list, suggest that route. 

I'm curious - when is the working group going to release CSS-PreProc, make it a 
recommendation and make Macromendia and Adobe incorporate it into their tools? 
I mean, get something out to the market which has a well known syntax so 
O'Reilly and Prentice Hall can get it into the next edition of the Pocket Guide 
or "for dumies" ?

I'm serious - I mean, I work with professional implementation designers. 
They're *not* programmers. Are you seriously expecting them to understand how 
to use "gcc -E"?

As a software developer I could use it. I could even script it for them or 
write it myself in Perl. But that won't get a standard well accpeted, well 
known, documented syntax out there. In other words, it won't get something that 
people will actually be able to use from one job to the next. Some 
organizations will be smart enough to enhance their process by using a 
preprocessor and other tools, but that's not solving the problem.

Claus - this is not directed at you personally. I'm just a little sick of 
hearing about how preprocessors solve all these problems. They don't.

I am the cat who walks through walls. All place and all times are alike to me.

Received on Sunday, 16 September 2001 20:33:24 UTC