Re: CSS3: margins

Bert Bos wrote:
> Bjoern Hoehrmann writes:
> > * fantasai wrote:
> > >
> >...
> > >margin-start and margin-end would be very helpful, though. :)
> >
> > I am note sure what these properties are supposed to define? Margins
> > start at the border and end at margin <length>.
> 'margin-start' and 'margin-end' (I assume) would be aliases for
> margin-{top,right,bottom,left} depending on the 'writing-mode'.
> 'margin-start' refers to the margin where you start to write a line
> (i.e., left in left-to-right text).
> But why do you want to do that? If the text is in, say, Hebrew, you
> already know that "start" = "right" and you can just use 'margin-right'.

Suppose I'm writing a site-wide stylesheet. I can define
section {
  margin-start: 3%;

The site's in English, originally, but the advantage of this is that
later if someone decides to translate some pages to Arabic, they can
just use the same stylesheet. With 'margin-left' I'd have to create
two separate stylesheets (ltr and rtl) that both express the exact
same styling.

Received on Saturday, 27 October 2001 16:38:50 UTC