Re: Background Properties to CSS3

* Juan Fabian wrote:
>1.0 The 'background-quantity' property:
>	'background-quantity'
>Value: infinite | <integer> | inherit | initial
>Initial: infinite
>Applies to:  all elements  
>Inherited:  no  
>Percentages:  N/A  
>Media:  visual  
>If a background image is specified, the 
>value of 'background-quantity' determines 
>how many times the image will repeat. 

Hm, can you please provide some use case for this property? When does
anyone want to specify that some background image is only repeated e.g.

>1.2 The 'background-transparency' property:
>	'background-transparency'
>Value:  <length> | <percentage> | 
><alphaValue> | inherit | initial  
>Initial:  0  
>Applies to:  all elements  
>Inherited:  no  
>Percentages:  N/A  
>Media:  visual  
>This property specifies the transparency of 
>a box.

Hm, the name suggests it specifies the transparency of the background of
some element... Please take a look at the CSS Level 3 Color Module, it
proposes an 'opacity' property that does what you want to achieve here.
Björn Höhrmann { }
am Badedeich 7 } Telefon: +49(0)4667/981028 {
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Received on Monday, 8 October 2001 10:04:26 UTC