Re: display="none", but is copied

> IMHO text in "display:none" and "visibility:hidden" should not be copied to 
> clipboard.
> Users expects to copy only the things he has on rendered page.

How far do we go with this?  How is "visibility:hidden" really different
from "color: white; background-color:white;" for text from the point of
view of copying and pasting?  (And no, "the latter appears when
highlighted is not a good argument -- the former could be made to appear
when highlighted as well).  I agree that display:none is different since
it does not alter the visual presentation of the page, but with
visibility:hidden it _looks_ like there's something there, so no copying
anything could be a little confusing.

I would think that it's up to the browser to pick a consistent model for
handling all these weird cases and stick with it...

We are all agreed that your theory is crazy.  The
question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough
to have a chance of being correct.  My own feeling is
that it is not crazy enough.
                                     -- Niels Bohr

Received on Monday, 12 November 2001 11:06:01 UTC