Re: CSS3 module: W3C selectors

Biep Durieux wrote:
> Chris Lilley <> wrote:
> >To put that question in its correct chronological order,
> >why was XPath such a departure from W3C selectors?
> The relevant question is: should one adopt a mediocre solution?

Clearly not.

> The question is not about what was first, but what is better.  If XPath is
> good for CSS purposes, by all means let's adopt it, if it is not, don't
> let's. 

OKI. As I said, XPath is lacking specificity, lacking pseudoelements, and
lacking pseudoclasses; and its greater generality slows rendering because
you can't lay anything out until the complete document has loaded.

So, lets not change to an inferior soution (for CSS purposes) without good

> CSS started out as a great solution, but what's happening with it is making
> me sad.  It seems to be deteriorating into another bit of bloatware that
> will require knowledge of hundreds of reserved words to understand.

I fail to see how you draw that conclusion.


Received on Thursday, 1 March 2001 17:24:21 UTC