Re: W3C Selectors

At 19:15 28/01/2001 +0100, Daniel Glazman wrote:
>Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
>> Why the name "W3C Selectors" for CSS Level 3 Selectors?
>Because several existing specifications are re-using selectors. We 
>wanted to make a specification reusable independently of CSS.

Mentionning that, are there any plans to somehow unify the various
"selecting" abstract models (XPath, Selectors, and I guess XQuery) ? I know
that there are differences (for instance XPath would know nothing of :hover
for instance) but there are also common elements. It would be nice if
implementors could create a selector API that could be driven likewise by
various syntaxes. That way you just have to plug in a parser for the
syntax, and voila ! you can start selecting out of a DOM tree.

I'm trying to do that right now and though it seems totally doable, I can't
be sure that I'm not leaving something out. The infoset helps a lot, a
similar document for selectors would be great.

-- robin b.
Forty two.

Received on Sunday, 28 January 2001 13:24:41 UTC