links can not be spanned ?

Following code demonstrates the difficulty I am having which is 
not being able to define a class so that links *spanned* by that 
class follow the corresponding class' specifications.


/* special anchors  */

A.special:link {
 COLOR: orange; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 8pt;
A.special:visited {
 COLOR: magenta; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 8pt;
A.special:hover {
 COLOR: red;

/* default anchors  */

A:visited {
 COLOR: gray
A:hover {
 COLOR: blue;
A:link {



here, for the followong links, there is no class defined around the links. 
They are supposed to use the default anchors defined by the style sheet above: 
and that's exactly the case. It works. 

<a href="">link in span </a>
<a href="">link 2</a>
<a href="">link 3</a>


here, I put the same links in a spanned area. 
Now all the links are delimited by < span class=special >.
I am thinking that this should overwrite the above defaults. 
But it does not. My span is totally ignored. And I don't know why ?

<span class=special>
<a href="">link in division </a>
<a href="">link 2</a>
<a href="">link 3</a>


<p>Here, I am trying to do same thing with DIV.
That also does not work. I cannot get the links to be effected by the 
class special.

<div class=special>
<a href="">link in division </a>
<a href="">link 2</a>
<a href="">link 3</a>


I accomplish my goal ( that is effecting my links by the special class ) 
only when I laboriously type the classes into each anchor one by one. 

I think this is an overkill and there must be a cleaner way. 
The question is how do you get the same effect without repeting the classses in each anchor !...

<a class=special href="">link ( inline class defined )</a>
<a class=special href="">link 2( inline class defined )</a>
<a class=special href="">link 3( inline class defined )</a>

Received on Thursday, 4 January 2001 07:53:51 UTC