Re: [proper css formatting]

"Timothy J. Luoma" <> wrote:
> I am brand new to CSS and cannot find the answer to this question
> Is this formatting valid?
> (It is used in an external CSS file)
> body {
> 	background-color: #87CEFA 	;
> 	background-image: none 		;
> 	background: 	#87CEFA 	;
> 	margin-left: 	1cm 		;
> 	margin-right: 	1cm 		;
> 	}
> I find it much easier to read/edit/debug when written in this fashion (i.e.
> everything tab aligned).
> Thanks!
> TjL

If you are referring to the white space, that's not a problem. These two are
duplicates, so you don't need both:
	background-color: #87CEFA 	;
 	background: 	#87CEFA 	;

Also, this one isn't necessary, either:
 	background-image: none 		;

You would probably be better off using another unit of measurement for these:
 	margin-left: 	1cm 		;
 	margin-right: 	1cm 		;

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Brian Kavanaugh
Lotus/Domino R5 CLP, Development
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Received on Sunday, 8 April 2001 12:43:56 UTC