- From: Matthew Brealey <webmaster@richinstyle.com>
- Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 10:54:19 +0100
- To: www-style@w3.org
- CC: "Daniel W. Connolly" <connolly@w3.org>
Daniel W. Connolly wrote: > > The text of the paragraph in the following document > should be purple, no? Yes. > <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> > <head> > <title>test</title> > <style type="text/css"> > p.a\:b { color: purple } > </style> > </head> > <body> > <p class="a:b">aslkfj</p> > </body> > </html> > > I don't see a relevant test in the test suite. > http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/ No. There is one at http://richinstyle.com/test/keyconcepts/escapes.html however (not this, but similar). Results of this test are tabulated at http://richinstyle.com/bugs/table.html. > Are there *any* implementations that get the identifier > parsing in CSS right? No. Internet Explorer standardised on broken parsing (whatever else you might say about Netscape, it did at least attempt to follow the parsing rules in Netscape 4, although as with most aspects of its CSS implementation it did get things wrong) in Internet Explorer, with elaborate error recovery, and now is unwilling to fix things. As a result of this, 'CSS' like this is to be found (because it works in MSIE) <style> <!-- HTML comment used as CSS --> P {color: red} </style> (I saw this in a script somewhere). and also: border: '.025cm solid gray' (in http://www.w3.org/TR/becss) Other browsers have followed suit, Opera actually introducing parsing bugs between v3.62 and v4, presumably in an attempt to gain 'compatibility' with MSIE. Extensive tests of identifier parsing are to be found at: http://www.richinstyle.com/test/application/classvalidity.html http://www.richinstyle.com/test/application/idvalidity.html http://www.richinstyle.com/test/keyconcepts/selectors.html and generally http:/www.richinstyle.com/test/application, http:/www.richinstyle.com/test/attachment (in respect of media parsing, which is an IDENT token AIR), and http:/www.richinstyle.com/test/keyconcepts (all passim). In particular the most common (deliberate) bug is disregarding identifier case-sensitivity, but other problems in respect of identifier parsing include not recongising that identifiers starting with numbers are invalid (either permitting them or else not ignoring blocks with which such selectors are associated). See: Mozilla: http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/mozillademo.html#error (demos) http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/mozilla.html#error (lists of bugs) MSIE3: http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/ie3b.html#error (lists of bugs) http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/ie3.html#parse (lists of bugs) MSIE4 http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/ie4b.html#error (lists of bugs) http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/ie4.html#parse (lists of bugs) MSIE5 http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/ie5b.html#error (lists of bugs) http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/ie5.html#parse (lists of bugs) Netscape 4 http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/netscape4b.html#error (lists of bugs) http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/netscape4.html#application (lists of bugs) Opera 3.6 http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/opera3b.html#errors (lists of bugs) http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/opera3.html#parse (lists of bugs) Opera 4 http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/opera4b.html#errors (lists of bugs) http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/opera4.html#parse (lists of bugs) http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/operademo.html (demos) > I tried Netscape 4 and IE 4 > and Opera 4 and Amaya and they all failed. Use Mozilla (it passes your test). I've tested it (at the escapes url above) and it works (almost) perfectly (the exception is /* comment \*/, which is treated as a complete commeent). ----------------------------------- Please visit http://RichInStyle.com. Featuring: MySite: customizable styles. AlwaysWork style Browser bug table covering all CSS2 with links to descriptions. Lists of > 1000 browser bugs Websafe Colorizer CSS2, CSS1 and HTML4 tutorials. CSS masterclass CSS2 test suite: 5000++ tests and 300+ test pages.
Received on Wednesday, 19 July 2000 05:54:50 UTC