Re: What is a letter?

Thomas Jespersen wrote:
> Matthew Brealey <> writes:
> > What, for the purposes of first-letter, is a letter?
> Here is what I found at
>   "The :first-letter pseudo-element matches parts of block-level
>  elements only.
>    Some languages may have specific rules about how to treat certain
>  letter combinations. In Dutch, for example, if the letter combination
>  "ij" appears at the beginning of a word, both letters should be
>  considered within the :first-letter pseudo-element."
> Furthermore:
>   "Punctuation (i.e, characters defined in Unicode [UNICODE] in the
>   "open" (Ps), "close" (Pe), and "other" (Po) punctuation classes),
>   that precedes the first letter should be included, as in:"
> (see illustration at above link).

Thanks. I was trying to ascertain that MSIE 5.5 was wrong in its
handling of :first-letter. In particular test 18 on this page:

'This element has a non-breaking space as its first letter. Therefore
the 'T' shouldn't be red.' (MSIE has the T red).

I think I did read the cited paragraphs before (the root of the test),
but these buggy browsers do funny things to your mind (incidentally
there are quite a few other bugs there, which is disappointing to say
the least in a new implementation).

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Received on Wednesday, 19 July 2000 05:02:34 UTC