Relative positioning

At the risk of being chastised for what might be perceived as a "how to"
question, what I'm wondering is if there is any mechanism in CSS for
positioning one element box relative to an absolutely positioned box
of another element?

I mean, with absolute positioning, elements are positioned completely
independently as if they have no knowledge of each other, and with
relative positioning, elements are positioned only relative to the
normal flow. This effectively means that the two types of positioning
can't really be used together very well, and what seems to be missing is 
a mechanism for positioning one element relative to an absolutely positioned 
(and perhaps named) element, thereby avoiding potential overlap problems.

If such a mechanism existed, it would sure make it easier to create
frame-like pages without resorting to (yecchh) tables.

Am I just missing something?

And while I'm writing, can any of the gurus at Netscape that might read
this list tell me when or if your browser is ever going to get more up to 
speed with CSS? Your fans anxiously await you.


Rick Johnson

Received on Monday, 31 January 2000 11:20:29 UTC