Q: CSS Layout issues

I am curious to know if anyone has attempted to categorize common
graphical/layout design idioms (rounded edge borders, multi-column text,
centered images with floated, surrounding text, etc), and then attempted
to reproduce these using CSS. Examples where this is not possible would
serve as useful starting points for discussions of CSS extensions. On the
other hand, cases where CSS (as currently defined) is sufficient would
server as useful design examples (perhaps usable as informative references
from the W3C web site), but would also help to demonstrate where CSS
might usefully be extended (should the working CSS approach be awkward
or inappropriate).

In reading the behavioral extensions, user interface and paged media
drafts I can pretty-well see this type of analysis going on behind the
scenes. However, I don't see any evidence that graphical layout issues are
being considered in the same way.

Ian Graham ......................... Centre for Academic Technology
i a n   d o t   g r a h a m    a t    u t o r o n t o   d o t   c a
Information Commons                               Tel: 416-978-4548
University of Toronto                             Fax: 416-978-7705
..................... http://www.utoronto.ca/ian/ .................

Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2000 18:48:00 UTC