Re: user!important

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Matthew Brealey wrote:
>>> Any scripts that perform validation are suddenly no longer able to
>>> rely on the fact that elements are only displayed when
>>> appropriate.
>> Client-side scripts should not be used for validation.
> Not strictly true IMO - you should use them to filter out the 'no
> brainers', but some data require additional server-side validation.

No. Client-side scripts should *absolutely* *never* be used for
validation. If they are used to simplify the user's life (e.g.,
checking dates are valid and popping up a dialog if they are not) then
the checking should *still* be done on the server.

Basically, authors can *never* rely on *anything* happening on the
client side. They *must* expect to receive garbage input.

>> If a page relies on stylesheets and/or scripting to be usable, then
>> it is clearly not using techniques for graceful degradation.
> Indeed. However, a graceful page can use style sheets if it works
> without them; if it does, it has the right to rely on the user not
> being stupid.

If it works without them, then it should also _work_ with exotic user
stylesheets. Probably not as the author intended, mind -- as the
_user_ intended.

Ian Hickson                            ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._        `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)
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Member, Mozilla Quality Assurance     _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'
Browser Standards Compliance Team    (il).-''  (li).'  ((!.-'    

Received on Monday, 24 January 2000 08:08:07 UTC