CSS equivalents for HTML formatting attributes

Can someone tell me:
1. what is the CSS equivalent of (the deprecated) vspace and hspace,
padding or margin (HTML describes it as 'white space' around the element
(this is especially important in view of the fact that they are deprecated
and are 'generally non-zero'
2. whether marginheight collapses with BODY margin declarations. 

This issue of frame styles in general is one that is not very well
described in CSS. UA behaviour seems to be not to honour styles on them in
view of something like <FRAME
src="http://www.someoneelsessite.com/someoneelsespage.html>, but I am not
sure whether this is correct, e.g., should only a limited subset of
properties be valid. In particular, could marginheight and marginwidth be
'collapsed' as meaning disregarded when BODY has a margin declaration?

From Matthew Brealey (http://members.tripod.co.uk/lawnet (for law)or http://members.tripod.co.uk/lawnet/WEBFRAME.HTM (for CSS))
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