
This specification does not define how alphabetic systems wrap at the end
of the alphabet. 
For instance, after 26 list items, 'lower-latin' rendering is undefined.
Therefore, for long lists, we recommend that authors specify true numbers.
aa ab ac ad ae ... zz ... aaa aab aac aad (just look at a spreadsheet)

What makes this limitation all the more mystifying is that negative values
_are_ permitted on counter-increment and counter-reset, where a real
problem does exist (e.g., content: counter(function, lower-alpha);
counter-reset: -1). Therefore, I would suggest that the following sentence
should be included:

'Where it is possible that a value for a counter function will result in
an unrenderable value in the specified list style type, decimal should be
used instead. E.g.,:
LI {counter(function, lower-alpha); counter-increment: -1)} OL
{counter-reset: 26} results in:

As a result, I would propose that the restriction that increments and
resets must be integer values should be removed.

In addition, could somebody explain what the counters() function is meant
to do, because I haven't got a clue - no examples are given and the text
in the spec has got me stumped.

From Matthew Brealey ( (for law)or (for CSS))
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Received on Monday, 17 January 2000 07:44:11 UTC