RE: Cursor: auto

On Fri, 14 Jan 2000 09:45:06 -0800, Chris Wilson (
> Matthew Brealey [] wrote:
> >Incidentally, cursor: auto is superfluous (i.e., because of browser style
> >sheets - e.g., P INPUT[text]).
> Actually it's not, really - because you may wish to override another
> stylesheet rule with a rule that tells the UA to use "the default".

This is an interesting value, since it basically says to go back and
take the value that would have resulted from the cascade of the UA
stylesheet only.  This means that the default cursors can't be
implemented through a UA stylesheet (as would be possible otherwise).

Perhaps a feature like this would be useful for other properties.
Maybe there should be a value called 'unspecified' (or something) that
would mean that the value would be unspecified at the given level of
the cascade.  (It could be a valid value for every property, just like
'inherit'.)  It would then be treated as a value while resolving the
order and specificity within each level (i.e., origin and weight) of
the cascade, and if it were the "winning" value at the top level, the
value at the next level down would be used.

There are other possible variants of such a property, but I don't see
how they would be useful.


L. David Baron    Sophomore, Harvard (Physics)
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Received on Friday, 14 January 2000 14:07:31 UTC