Re: first-letter tag soup

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000 08:55:26 -0800, "Peter S. Linss" (
> "L. David Baron" wrote:
> > The only solution I can think of would be that if such a thing were to
> > happen, there should be no first-letter pseudo-element for that block.
> Two other possible solutions are:
> 1)
> <p><p:first-letter>[</p:first-letter><span><p:first-letter><span:first-letter>T</span:first-letter></p:first-letter>ext</span>]</p>
> This solution follows the reasoning that, the illegal HTML (since inlines
> cannot contain blocks):
> <b>bold<p>paragraph</p>text</b>
> becomes:
> <b>bold</b><p><b>paragraph</b></p><b>text</b>
> by a correcting parser/processor (ie: you close and re-propogate any spans
> that can't span contained containers, and <p:first-letter> is morally a
> span)
> or
> 2)
> <p><p:first-letter>[<span>T</span></p:first-letter><span>ext</span>]</p>
> Which is how a correcting parser/processor would treat:
> <p><bold>bold<div>div</b></div></p>
> (ie: the <p:first-letter> is treated more like a block)

Both of these solutions would lead to unexpected results if either
the :first-letter pseudo-element or the span element had a border-style
other than none.  (There are probably some other things that would
be strange.)


L. David Baron    Sophomore, Harvard (Physics)
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Received on Wednesday, 12 January 2000 12:00:28 UTC