Re: Style and <frameset>

Håkon Wium Lie wrote:

> Peter Linss wrote:
>  > > Don't we need pseudo-elements like :table, :table-row ... to define that
>  > > (it's a proposal if the answer to the preceding question is "You can't") ?
>  >
>  > Yes. Those pseudo elements come in very handy when CSS generates "anonymous"
>  > frames for you. That's why Mozilla already implements them. (For the record,
>  > we have no "anonymous" frames, they *all* have pseudo element names so they
>  > can be styled. This is something that should be formalized in CSS3.)
> What elements do you typically attache the pseudo-element selectors
> to?
> Given this markup:
>   <UL><LI></LI><LI></LI></UL>
> and this style sheet:
>   UL { display: table-row }
>   LI { display: table-cell }
> could you do:
>   LI:table { color: red }
> or
>   UL:table { color: blue }
> or both? Or, somthing else?

We create the anonymous frames in between the elements as defined in the CSS2 spec,
so for that example the formatting objects look like:
UL:table - inherits from UL's parent
    UL - inherits from UL:table-row-group

If it were:
UL { display: table-row-group }
LI { display: table-cell }

then you'd get:

You can also address the "anonymous" frames with unadorned pseudo-element
selectors, i.e. from our ua.css:
:table-row { display: table-row }


> -h&kon
> Håkon Wium Lie   
>                      simply a better browser

Received on Tuesday, 15 June 1999 22:14:32 UTC