Style and <frameset>


I don't know if there have been some propositions about frames, but my
problem is more general.

I've read that the XSL WG consider frames in HTML/XHTML as
transitional elements. But I don't really understand why. I suppose I need
to imagine a concept more general than frames. Maybe I can achieve a
similar effect with absolute positioning. Or with tables and generated

Today, frames and tables are very used for styling web pages. Of
course, this doesn't allow to separate content and style. Have anyone a
kind of ideal, workable solution to solve the problem ?


Nicolas Lesbats -
85 r. Carnot 60200 Compiegne - France
 +33/0 686 800 908

Plaider <>

3:-) Moooooooooooooooooooooooo !

Received on Friday, 11 June 1999 17:46:47 UTC