[css] use css now! (was Re: One Basic Question)

Font tags can't hover either. All I'm saying is, there is no need to resort
to the font tag, unless you are including NN3 in your browser list. And
really, if you use <hx>'s and <p>'s and merely redefine them as well, it is
perfectly degradable (i.e. readable) it just doesn't look very nice on
non-css browsers.


>Oh really?

>That's right, A:Hover is a pseudo class defined under the CSS2
>specification. Or was it already implemented in CSS1. I can't remember


>i use Netscape 4.04 (the all bugs version! all bugs, all the time!) for
>reasons of testing, and I have found I can do everything with css that I
>do with the font tags.

Received on Wednesday, 13 January 1999 11:31:10 UTC