Re: Flow around floats (proposal for float-displace)

On Sun, 27 Dec 1998, L. David Baron wrote [1]:
> Property: float-displace
> Value: none | inline | jaggedbox | box
> [.....]
> jaggedbox:
> Block boxes are displaced by the floating element, and may have
> irregular shapes if the floating element is only next to part of the
> box (that is, that there is some horizontal split in the content of
> the box that would mean only one of the two boxes created by the
> split would be displaced by the float). All block-level children of
> an element whose displace value is jaggedbox are also treated as
> though they have the value jaggedbox (unless they have the value
> box), and are formatted accordingly. Top margin, border, and padding
> is applied at every top edge of the box, and equivalently for right,
> bottom, and left margin border and padding.
>   NOTE:  This is the current behavior of MS Internet Explorer 4 and
>   5.0 beta, or at least similar to it.

I have serious doubts about whether this is a good idea; irregular
padding, margins and borders are *very* complicated to implement (and
their visual appeal leaves much to be desired too, IMHO).

This behaviour is *not* IE4's behaviour: in IE only the markers are
moved by floats, not the border/padding/margin.

I believe this problem is resolved in a much simpler manner by my
redefinition of marker-offset's calculations [2].

Related resources:

Ian Hickson

Received on Wednesday, 13 January 1999 09:55:00 UTC