RE: CSS and XLink

At 04:27 PM 4/12/99 -0400, Didier PH Martin wrote:
>Some with CSS and most of them with XSL. However we experimented the same
>problems or similar problems with documents having vocabulary overlap but no
>specific name space. We tried to simulate a real Web situation. 

Wow.  This is quite a catalog of problems.

For the most part, it seems like the problems you're having come from:

* Fragments that don't indicate namespace context (or which don't use

* Style sheets that don't support namespaces anyway

Is this a reasonable reading?  The problems seem to originate with
inclusion, and considering the included material as part of the parent
document.  (xlxp-dev discussions never seemed to reach a consensus on
whether this was 'proper' handling.)

The fragments working group just came out with a 'last call' draft:

I don't know if it'll solve too many of your problems, but on my first read
it looks like namespace context will at least be preserved.  Of course,
there are details...

Has there been any progress on CSS and namespaces?  It seems like it might
be as quirky as XML validation and namespaces, but I'd love to know if
anyone's started fighting this battle.

Simon St.Laurent
XML: A Primer
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Received on Monday, 12 April 1999 20:20:18 UTC