- From: Didier PH Martin <martind@netfolder.com>
- Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 16:27:46 -0400
- To: "Simon St.Laurent" <simonstl@simonstl.com>, <www-style@w3.org>
Hi Simon, <Comment> Were your experiments with XSL or CSS? I seem to think they were XSL, but I'd still be very glad to work on CSS with the problems you've encountered in mind. <Comment> <Reply> Some with CSS and most of them with XSL. However we experimented the same problems or similar problems with documents having vocabulary overlap but no specific name space. We tried to simulate a real Web situation. With CSS what happened is that a rule applied to Document A is also applied to document B even if document B has some vocabulary elements similar but with different meaning or author meaning intention. We deliberately introduced inter language confusion like French markup with an English text. Or an English written document with French markups (this could happen if the author is French using a French DTD but publish a text in English). So in one document we got the markup <convention> meaning a collective agreement and in the other document the markup <convention> meaning seminar, trade show. In fact, we discovered this by accident when two people used two DTD with the same vocabulary and two meaning. The CSS in the first document worked on the second but the layout did not got proper meaning (from a semiology point of view). We discovered at that time or re-discovered, to be more specific, that formatting do convey meaning or re-enforce the document's meaning. </reply> <Comment> Did you actually deal with inclusion of non-XML materials, like graphics? Or was it all XML documents/fragments? </Comment> <Reply> Yes but with non XML material its easier to deal with except if they are tagged differently. For example, we got a French marked document with the word <image> but with its French meaning "backup". But when both document where using a HTML vocabulary to identify images we didn't got any problem. In fact problems occurred with identical vocabulary but with different meaning or different classification schemas. The problems where most of the time with the markups. With XML fragment, the problem could even be worse because the formatting would be totally not matched. But with name space, the problems where resolved. </reply> <Comment> Finally, does the W3C's fragment working group have anything going that might address the problems you encountered with fragments? </Comment> <Reply> I am reading again the document (ref from Daniel Koger) to find if there is some provisions here. But, most of our problems came from name collision, association of a particular element meaning and its associated style. I have now to check if navigation errors could be induced by vocabulary overlap. Most of style problems occurred with the link inclusion mode. When the whole document is changed, no problems - it works well. But to include a resource from an external document is not as easy if the two DTD contain similar elements with different meaning. We tried to use Jon Bosak documents with Chinese markup to see if confusion may occur there too, but we are not expert in oriental language. Rick Jeliffe could be in a better position than us to tell if this phenomenon could happen with oriental languages using chinese markup encoding. Our conclusion is that for the Web, name space support is mandatory to prevent style errors. This means that we can reuse documents with potential vocabulary overlap without problems. In the worse case, the style won't work. But we can build a style sheet where all elements are defined within their name space. Now, CSS may have problems with name space. Am I wrong on this? In the case of XSL all elements have to be appended with their name space identifier to resolve ambiguities. With this experiment we discovered that people would markup their document with markups in their own language. They could publish in a foreign language. Thus, as an example, the content may be English but the markups could be French. If you take French and English the potential for name collision is greater than for English to Russian. But maybe some collision could occur with Norwegian,Swedish or Danish marked documents. So, in the scenario where we want to re-use the content of a document marked with a different language, problems occur. And even in the same language, content re-use could be limited with same DTD different meaning. A style sheet either created in CSS or XSL will have the same problem if the style is associated to a certain meaning and used to re-enforce that meaning. We got out of context layout problems, even if the content made sense. I hope I was enough clear with my examples. If not, just tell me where this need clarifications.`</reply> Regards Didier PH Martin mailto:martind@netfolder.com http://www.netfolder.com
Received on Monday, 12 April 1999 16:29:19 UTC