Re: Property suggestions

On Thu, 22 Oct 1998, Daniel Glazman wrote:
>> I believe the CSS, CAS and XML should be kept in three separate
>> documents. The "adding scripting to CSS", which is basically what
>> you're suggesting, is quite possibly the worst thing that could
>> happen.
> No. I am definitely not suggesting to add script to CSS. Adding
> script to CSS means adding script execution to stylistic data. I am
> only suggesting to agregate stylistic declarations and action
> declarations in the same block if they are attached to the same
> selectors. Nothing more, nothing less. This should not be an
> obligation, only a possibility.
Ah, ok. Good :-)

This, AFAICT, is actually incompatible with the current Action Sheets
proposal. Assuming that that is a resolvable issue (which it probably
is!), then this would mean that the parser would have to negotiate
with two internal backends (styling and scripting) simultaneously for
the same source document. Is this something implementors want?

It would also mean that the syntaxes for both CAS and CSS would be
locked together, and that they would share property namespace.

I still do not think that this is a particularly good idea on the long
term. At the root of the matter, they _are_ two separate systems, and
allowing them to share source files and declarations will result in

Ian Hickson

Received on Thursday, 22 October 1998 12:21:14 UTC