Re: Property suggestions

On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, Christian Kaufhold wrote:
> My suggestions for a future version of CSS:
> I would not use "tooltip" (to present a tooltip over the element) as a
> pseudo-element, as it has been suggested, but create it as a new
> property.
>   Allowed values: none | auto | [ attr(x) || string ]+ | inherit
>   Initial:        inherit
>   Applies to:     all elements
>   Media:          visual, interactive
> I also suggest a property "status" whose content is displayed in the
> status line of the browser, and which takes exactly the same values.

Tooltip has the 'advantage' that it can be formatted:

  *:tooltip { content: attr(title); background: yellow none;
              color: black; border: thin solid black; }

However, I would have to agree that a property has it's redeeming
features (consistency of interface, ease of implementation).

[Idea added to past suggestions list].
Ian Hickson

Received on Tuesday, 20 October 1998 14:52:43 UTC