color in CSS

CSS and/or HTML needs the ability to define names for colors, preferrably
grouped in a list. Much easier to think of a named color than its numeric
definition. CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) and HLS (hue, luminance /
lightness, saturation) color models would help. Also, a few new standard color
names would help. Something like:

color-list {
	{ "ColorName", #ABCDEF }, 
	/* a few proposed standard color names */
	{ "Charcoal", #404040 },
	{ "Brown", cmyk(50%, 75%, 100%, 0%) }, /* note cmyk( ) is also new */
	{ "Orange", rgb(255, 128, 0) },
	{ "Beige", #CCAA66 },
	{ "Cream", #FFE599 },
	{ "CyanBlue", #0080FF },
	{ "Cyan", #00FFFF }, /* = Aqua */
	{ "Magenta", #FF00FF }, /* = Fuchsia */

Received on Monday, 30 November 1998 16:31:43 UTC