test page crash.


I have been lurking for about a year and a half - though have only paid
scant attention for the last half a year, due to frustrations about
compatibility and accounting for the lowest commond denominator - which
have pretty much limited the use of Styles. I share the ideal, and like to
envisage that by the time we are using version 6 or 7 browsers, we will be
able to implement CSS1 in its entirety (perfect positioning) on corporate
sites with a clear conscience. 

It must be damn demoralising seeing yet another browser version come out
with pathetic rendering. Kinda makes one wonder whether DHTML etc will be
superceded by the plug-ins' "make-once show everywhere" - such as Flash
with such a small download.

Oh yes, the reason for the post . the CSS1 float test page. Didn't really
expect to see anything intelligible, however, whilst it did look better on
MSIE4 than NS4.05, it crashed MSIE. I'm running on NT4, 64RAM, 4GHD and a T1.

The page in question is:

Keep up the great work.


Gary Sweeting

http://www.tanjungrhu.com.my	- "Heaven on Earth"
Enterprise Solutions
WebMaster & Information Architect :)

Received on Saturday, 16 May 1998 08:08:52 UTC