Re: Block Boxes

On Mon, 9 Mar 1998, Bert Bos wrote:

> But to describe what happens in this case, we introduced the notion of
> "anonymous boxes" (boxes that don't correspond to any named element):
> since the outer DIV in your example appears to have both inline and
> block-level content, the inline content is considered to be wrapped in
> an "anonymous" block-level box.
> So now the outer DIV indeed contains only block-level boxes, and the
> inner DIV contains only inline boxes.

How does this fit in with your example of float in

  <STYLE type="text/css">
    IMG { float: left }
    BODY, P, IMG { margin: 2em }
      <IMG src=img.gif alt="This image will illustrate floats">
      Some sample text that has no other...

In this case the IMG is floating and hence becomes a block element. So now
the P element contains both block and inline elements.  So the inline text
is wrapped in an anonymous block element.  Now I'm assuming the anonymous
block contains all of the inline text. So this text should then be
rendered in a box.  However your diagram imediately following it has the
inline text flowing all over the place. 

Is my mistake in assuming the anonymous block element contains all of the
inline text?  Does each line of text get its own anonymous block?

Russell O'Connor                 
"And truth irreversibly destroys the meaning of its own message"
-- Anindita Dutta, "The Paradox of Truth, the Truth of Entropy"

Received on Monday, 9 March 1998 14:10:31 UTC