IE4 using 'width'/'height' props the wrong way?

Jonas Salling writes:

 > My impression after reading the CSS2 spec. is that the following snipped
 > should produce a 200pt-wide red strip.
 > <DIV style="padding-left: 20pt; padding-right: 20pt; border-left: solid
 > 20pt; border-right: solid 20pt; margin-left: 20pt; margin-right: 20pt;
 > width: 200pt;">
 > <P style="background-color: red;">200 pts of red</P>
 > </DIV>


 > Unfortunately, IE4 (Win) seems to define 'width' as being the width of the
 > content PLUS padding and border. Is this a bug, or am I just confused after
 > having spent too many hours working with our rendering machinery?

It's a bug.


H   å   k   o   n      W   i   u   m       L   i   e
World     W      i     d     e       Web  Consortium

Received on Wednesday, 4 March 1998 05:59:18 UTC