Re: Setting no bottom margin, etc.

Hi, from a long time lurker who joined the list to learn something about

I don't know the answer to the question mentioned bellow using CSS, but you
can do it using just plain html. At leats I do it like this:

BGCOLOR="#00407f" TEXT="#ffffff" LINK="#ff8080" VLINK="#69b4b4"

... and it works both for IE and Netscape. This way you have no margins at
all - bottom, top, left and right.

Best regards
Tito de Morais

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Delaney <>
To: W3C Style Mailing List <>
Date: quarta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 1998 22:39
Subject: Setting no bottom margin, etc.

>I'm trying to set the H1 style to have NO margin-bottom and 2 em
>margin-top, but Netscape leaves its default bottom margin and simply ADD
>the 2 ems to its default top margin. Isn't there some way to tell the
>browser NOT to simply add my values to its defaults. It seems to me that
>the defaults of the browser are a bit different from some specific values
>that a user might have entered into their browser preferences, which
>should not be overridden.
> --Dan
> Daniel G. Delaney                    The Louisville Times Chorus
>(aka: Dionysos, Belteshazzar)  
>                Dionysia Design
>      This life is a test. It is only a test. Had this been an
>      actual life, you would have received further instructions
>      on where to go and what to do.

Received on Wednesday, 28 January 1998 17:36:28 UTC