Setting no bottom margin, etc.

I'm trying to set the H1 style to have NO margin-bottom and 2 em
margin-top, but Netscape leaves its default bottom margin and simply ADD
the 2 ems to its default top margin. Isn't there some way to tell the
browser NOT to simply add my values to its defaults. It seems to me that
the defaults of the browser are a bit different from some specific values
that a user might have entered into their browser preferences, which
should not be overridden.


 Daniel G. Delaney                    The Louisville Times Chorus
(aka: Dionysos, Belteshazzar)                  Dionysia Design
      This life is a test. It is only a test. Had this been an
      actual life, you would have received further instructions
      on where to go and what to do.

Received on Wednesday, 28 January 1998 16:08:02 UTC