Re: fonts

Frank Boumphrey writes:
>>From: Simon Richter <>
>>>David P. Cunningham schrieb:

>>>> is there a place to go and find out what fonts come standard with an
>>>> OS that anyone knows of????? particularly verdana and helvetica.

>>>The only font I've seen on every system I've used so far was Helvetica
>>>(seen on Unix/X11, Mac, Amiga, Win32, Win16).

>>The only font I've seen on every system I've used so far was Helvetica

>You wont fint 'Helevetica ' on most PC's, i.e. 90% of the desktop's out
>there, although most browsers are smart enough to substitute Arial for

	Of course, one "font" that should be supported everywhere is
"sans-serif".  If I'm guessing the point of the original question, the
answer is to use a generic family name "serif", "sans-serif" or
"monospace" as a final fallback.  ("cursive" and "fantasy" are
unfortunately not so well supported.)  So for instance

{font-family : verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif}

or just

{font-family : verdana, sans-serif}
					John T. Whelan

Received on Monday, 17 August 1998 13:06:42 UTC