Re: Style Sheet crashes IE on MAC

Dmitry Erman wrote:
> We use 2 style sheets within all our pages. These style sheets cause IE on
> the MAC to die with an error 02. I have traced this problem to the style
> sheets but do not know what it is that is causing the error.

You should remove the HTML markup from your external .css file.
Nothing enclosed in angle brackets should be in the external .css

  ^^^^^^ and the closing </STYLE> should be removed from both style

If this isn't causing the crash, perhaps someone with Mac can provide
the reason, especially if you were to ask in:


CSSCheck <> gave the usual
warnings about absolute length units and potential colour conflicts,
and an error for hover as a pseudo-element, but nothing to indicate
crash potential in IE.

Sue Jordan

Received on Thursday, 23 April 1998 12:19:58 UTC