Re: How to tell the browser that <A> is a link

I suggested:
>>    SPROTCH { personality: hyperlink;
>>              href: attr(uri); }

And Daniel asked:
>>>Hmmm. Is it really the purpose of a **Style** Sheet ?

I answered:
>> I would say, yes.

He retorted:
>I would say definitely no (I mean your 'personality' property).
>This is the purpose of XML-Link [1].

I now say:
Excellent! I didn't realise work was already progressing in this area and
take back everything I have said about my suggested 'personality' property.
This 'XML-Link' indeed is the answer.
Presumably work is also in progress somewhere (or will be soon) defining how
elements can be told to be buttons or check boxes or some such thing (so
that when HTML is turned into an application of XML instead of SGML, one can
explain the INPUT element in the DTD).


Sorry to have taken everybody's time up without need!
Ian Hickson
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Received on Tuesday, 21 April 1998 19:10:02 UTC