play-during property

I wonder if any one would be so kind as to provide some clarification
concerning the play-during property

In this XML document snippet
  Gustav was on his way to the war together with his companions....
   Suddenly, shells exploded frightening the horses...

Supposing the background music for <dramatic> lasted about 6 minutes, and
the battle element started after about three minutes and lasted about 10

I set background music on the <dramatic> element with


    My understanding is that to get the dramatic music to repeat during the
<battle> element I would have to use


but what if I wanted to mix it with battle sounds? Then I would use

    battle{play-during:url(battle.wav mix}

So far so good, but when the original piece finished paying, would it

Should it restart if the original  had been

dramatic{play-during:url(betthov.rmi repeat}


Received on Monday, 6 April 1998 13:46:30 UTC