overlapping text

Absolute beginner's problem:

In order to make easier the work of our translators, I'm tring to keep the
caption text out from the images we put in our technical HTML+CSS documents.
In this way the translators would not have to open and modifiy the GIF or
JPEG image containing the text but rather they would have to translate the
not-HTML text in the document.

How can I place captions and secondary images OVER my pictures?
How can I place text and images in a specific XY position on my pages?

Does anybody know where I can find sample documents that contain overlapping
text and images?
Does anybody know if there is any wysiwyg editor that would help me in
making this kind of documents?
(I downloaded Macromedia Dreamweaver and Danere Stylemaker but it seem to me
that both these editors just take care of the font and paragraph styles,
avoiding to deal with element positioning).

Thanks for your attention.
Alessandro Bottoni
Technical writer
Cad.Lab SPA
Via Ronzani 7/29
40033 Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna)
Tel Int+ 51-597357
Fax Int+ 51-597120

Received on Thursday, 16 October 1997 04:02:59 UTC