Re: Header, Footer, and Sidebars

David Perrell wrote:

" I thought it was established that the UA has
" a hypothetical default stylesheet and that changing the default font in the
" UA changes the base font size in that stylesheet. Therefore, changing the
" font on the toolbar should change the font size in any element for which
" font size has not been specified either in absolute units or relative to an
" ancestor element specified in absolute units. Conversely, elements declared
" in author stylesheets in absolute units should be unaffected by UA font size
" changes.

This is precisely as I see it, also. Thanks for the nice articulation, David. What I'd really like to know is whether there's any dissent on this point (especially among implementors).

" It seems to me that constructing documents with includes is best done with
" files that are not stand-alone HTML. Why not reset the style state ONLY if
" the included file is a stand-alone HTML document? E.g., save/reinitialize
" style rules for each nested <HTML> element?

What if includes could reference elements within HTML files by [unique element or assigned] name, class, or ID, and that only the referenced element(s) and children would render? The default could be the HTML element (in which case the referenced doc's stylesheet would apply), or alternatively the BODY (in which case the referencing document's stylesheet would apply), a DIV, a table, paragraph, etc.  


I've had some trouble with email lately, so this suggestion comes late, but this thread's participants should definitely check out "Frame-based layout via Style Sheets" , dated about six months before the first CSS-P proposal. I've always wished this approach had found greater favor with implementors.

Todd Fahrner

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	- El Lissitzky, 1923

Received on Saturday, 29 November 1997 19:03:47 UTC