Re: a vote for rotation

Space Cowboy wrote at 29/11/97 9:20 pm

>Clive Bruton wrote:
>> Sometimes people need a little enforced restraint in order to prevent
>> their "style" obscuring the message.
>Right, and all those people with MM Director are idiots. We should all use 
>conventions used in 18th century print, right?

Nope, absolutely wrong, as I already noted there exist plug-ins that do 
animated/rotated/vectorised/along-curve text already. You'll also note 
that one of those I specifically mentioned was Macromedia's Flash.

Do I think Director users are idiots? Only if they are trying to use it 
to project large amounts of text on screen. Director is good at many 
things, lots of text just isn't one of them.

As a modernist I'd reject 18th century typographic conventions almost as 
stongly as I would naff rotating/animated/3-d text. I've yet to see any 
of them used to great effect (except to eat up bandwith and processor 
time) anywhere on the net.

Please, point me to an example where you think this is not the case, 
really, I'd like to be wrong.

-- Clive

Received on Saturday, 29 November 1997 18:51:50 UTC